
The first symposium took place on the 1st and 2nd March 2012 on the German-Polish border in the Collegium Polonicum in Slubice. The Collegium is an academic meeting place based on the cooperation between European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and Adam-Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The symposium will be held under the title “Human Rights between national state and globalization – German and Polish perspectives”. Several aspects of the topic will be presented and debated during four panel talks by former constitutional judges and academics.

1. panel: constitutional courts – Keepers of the Human Rights in Poland and Germany

The first panel is dedicated to the topic of constitutional courts and their role as keepers of the human rights, looking particularly at the different competences of the courts and the development of human rights protection through legislation.

Evening programme

The value of liberty and the necessity to protect it – historical aspects of national human rights protection

2. panel: globalization of the judicial protection of human rights – absolutism or interdependence with regionalization?

The global spread of judicial human rights protection has raised important questions regarding the material, institutional and technical requirements of the legal transfer. The focus of the second panel lies on the particular national and regional aspects of that particular legal transfer.

3. panel: human rights between freedom and security

In the final panel the classical conflict of freedom and security is discussed. Political approaches to modern threats differ in Germany and Poland on the level of both domestic and foreign policy. This raises interesting questions concerning the constitutional courts and their legal opinions.

Final lecture by Prof. Papier and Prof. Zoll. Topic: The role of the German and the Polish Constitutional Courts in the European Union.



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